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Magnesium Muscle Body Butter Organic Butters & Soothing Oils

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Magnesium Muscle Body Butter Organic Butters & Soothing Oils


Our best-selling Magnesium Body Butter has a new muscle-focused blend. Magnesium Muscle Butter is a blend of Organic Shea Butter, Coconut Oil, and Magnesium Chloride (Zechstein Magnesium), infused with soothing and penetrating essential oils and terpenes including, Vitamin E, Fractionated Coconut Oil, natural alpha-humulene, natural beta-caryopyllene, Frankincense Vital Oil, natural methyl thujate from Arborvitae oil, natural alpha-bisabolol, blue tansy oil.

*Please note this product has not been formulated to be an aromatherapy product (created for scent). The oils and terpenes included are added for topical use and muscle relief. This product has little to no scent as the oils used are for topical benefit not aromatic.

This brand uses only genuine Zechstein Magnesium in their products. Zechstein Magnesium is sourced from an ancient seabed in the Netherlands that is the most pure source of magnesium in the world.

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Product details

  • Made in United States

  • Product Language: English

  • Weight: 10 oz (283.5 g)