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Magnesium Sleep Butter, Made with Organic Ingredients

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Magnesium Sleep Butter, Made with Organic Ingredients


Handcrafted Magnesium Sleep Butter

Experience tranquil nights with this Handcrafted Magnesium Sleep Butter, meticulously crafted in small batches using only natural and organic ingredients. This luxurious formulation is designed to promote relaxation, ensuring you drift into a peaceful, deep sleep.

Infused with skin-nourishing elements such as Magnesium, Organic Shea Butter, and Organic Coconut Oil, our Sleep Butter offers a sumptuous blend of sleep-enhancing essential oils. Delve into the calming aromas of Lavender, Cedarwood, Ho Leaf, Ylang Ylang, Marjoram, Roman Chamomile, Vetiver, Vanilla CO2, Sandalwood, and Damiana, all working in harmony to soothe the senses.

Magnesium is vital for optimal nerve and brain function. It plays a key role in reducing stress and anxiety, promoting healthy sleep, calming the nervous system, and alleviating leg and muscle cramps. the producer proudly utilizes only genuine Zechstein Magnesium, sourced from an ancient seabed in the Netherlands, recognized as the purest source of magnesium in the world.

Presented in an elegant 4 oz. amber glass jar, this Sleep Butter encapsulates sophistication and serenity, making it the perfect addition to your nightly ritual. Embrace the ease and abundance of restorative rest, right at your fingertips.

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• Made in United States

• Weight: 4 oz (113.4 g)