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You Matter: A Devotional Journal For Women

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You Matter: A Devotional Journal For Women


—180 Readings Rooted in Biblical Truth for Women

Embrace a journey of self-discovery and spiritual renewal with this exquisite devotional journal, thoughtfully designed to illuminate your true purpose, inherent worth, and unique place in the world.

With 180 encouraging readings and inspiring prayers, this beautifully crafted resource serves as a sanctuary for your soul, providing reassurance for even the most questioning hearts. Each devotional invites you to encounter the abundant love and grace of your Creator, guiding you to a deeper understanding of His divine plan specifically crafted for you.

You Matter: A Devotional Journal for Women is an essential tool for your quiet time, whether you are just beginning your spiritual journey or have been walking in faith for years. Revel in this spiritual exploration and allow this journal to be a cherished companion as you embrace a life of ease, hope, joyfulness, and healing.

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• Made in United States

• Weight: 10.5 oz (297.67 g)