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Dafne Dress

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Dafne Dress


Introducing the Dafne, a timeless addition to your capsule wardrobe that epitomizes elegance and sophistication. Crafted in Spain, this classic black dress transcends trends and transforms any occasion into a n elegant fashion statement. Whether it’s a romantic dinner or an upscale event, the Dafne will swiftly become your go-to piece, seamlessly blending comfort with style. Elevate your wardrobe and embrace the versatility of the Dafne — the ultimate little black dress that speaks to your refined taste.

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Product details

  • Gold button detail.

  • Neckline opening.

  • Tightened at the waist.

  • Invisible zip closure.

  • Made in Spain

  • Weight: 1.1 lb (0.5 kg)