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Chamomile Night Roll On Essential Oil Blend

Chamomile roll.png
Chamomile roll.png

Chamomile Night Roll On Essential Oil Blend


This Chamomile Night Essential Oil blend is infused with 100% pure essential oils, including the calming notes of Chamomile Roman and the grounding aroma of Frankincense, it creates an aromatic oasis perfect for promoting restful sleep and alleviating anxiety. The sweet, herbaceous scent envelops you, enhancing your mood and soothing digestive discomfort.

Carefully crafted with fractionated coconut oil and packaged in a sleek 10 mL roll-on bottle featuring a stainless steel rollerball, this essential oil is not only effective but also elegantly designed for your convenience. Enjoy the peace of mind that comes with knowing our formula is 100% natural, vegan, non-GMO, palm-free, and synthetic fragrance-free. Embrace a life of ease and abundance with this luxurious addition to your self-care routine.

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100% NATURAL ♥ 100% VEGAN ♥ Non-GMO



Essential Oil Blend of Frankincense, Chamomile Roman, Clary Sage, Patchouli, Bergamot,Fractionated Coconut Oil

DIRECTIONS: Apply the roller gently on any pressure points on your body: behind ears, neck, wrist, temples, shoulder, etc. Roll on essential oil is perfect for daily use or travel.

Product details

• Made in United States

• Weight: 1.6 oz (45.36 g)